
Sentiam Christi in vita meam

Sunday 22 April 2012

Response to sex, love, prostitute assertion by Vivian Orah

“If sex is to prove love that means that all prostitutes are angels” said by VIVIAN ORAH


We cannot state a definite fact positive or negative with probability to make it GOOD or RIGHT. This is because VIVIAN posited a moral statement which she did not make a categorical fact because of the “if” she used. In view of that we must not be so fast to condemn or see her as tending towards “prostitute are angels” she may not agree to have a categorical “yes they are angels”. This ought to be seen from philological cum moral ambient which will eventually lead to spiritual as well. Any time about sex and love is mentioned very many people become consciously awake and try to rationalize over the issue. It is good to see the philological meanings of the key words and then try to rationalize a bit over the statement knowing full well that the statement is not just a mere debating statement for its own sake. What is sex, love and prostitute in a philological original sense and the moral cum spiritual good. It seem that very many tend to say or agree that “love cannot exist without sex” hence their response of “sex is inevitable for the expression of love or sex spices love”. These are mere rhetoric expressions interwoven sex and love. Sex as carnal relationship is evitable for the expression of love, even in most extreme cases between legally and licitly married couples. It can never be a spice in this line of thought for love. Sex is never food that is why couples of legal and licit union ought to be prudent in expressing their love cfr. 1Cor.7:1-10, NOT ANY OTHER GROUP BOY-GIRL or MAN-WOMAN or ANY OTHER MISCELLAENOUS SETS OF FRIENDS. We are not condemning nor congratulating prostitutes or any of these groups either in this statement, because there may be any of these groups even married ones old and young as well who are worst then them if we try to condemn them because many things happen “behind closed doors” with these groups. We must not equate human being as food or taste of food, that will relegate us to mere sex maniac not even lower animals because lower animals especially the female agree to meet with the male only when they are in “heat period” which means ready to conceive for procreation, so where do we place human beings in this natural cause, which very many are found in these three major groups: legally and licitly married, prostitutes and other groups do not obey. From the ancient Greek words for love, we have eros, philos and AGAPE while in the modern Greek we have five: mania, which may be translated as “madness and beside yourself”, eros or erotas, philos, storgy and AGAPEO 1.Jn.3:8,16; Mtt.5:44; 1 Cor.13. The words that describes prostitute from the philological roots are Greek porne or porneian or amartolos Lk.7:37,39; Col.3:5; 1Thess.4:7 which describes prostitute or sexual immorality or fornication or akatharaian meaning indecency or impurity or pathos which is lust. My dearest friends let us reflect on these and make more search into the reality of human person. This is just the beginning of the rationalization.

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