
Sentiam Christi in vita meam

Saturday 25 May 2013



Each moment in life is precious and ought to be utilized to the utmost supremacy as a moment that is actually and obviously an eternal-now. What is so special and particular about the week so called Holy with suffix or prefix? Are others not holy in themselves? If it has this prefix HOLY  which means that probably I as a person if I had not been so conscious of other weeks which were intrinsically holy, I ought and should be aware of this Holy Week, through the annual Liturgical giggling of the Season, because of probably of my insensitivity or insensibility of what actually I am demanded of this time. Therefore, what fruit or new thing can I boast of, from and in my life regarding the Holy Week?  

God invites us in each moment of our lives to share in his means of salvation through embracing the Cross with joy and fortitude, hence the prophets made clear the Word of God encouraging us all to do the same, cfr. Isa. 50: 4-7. Christ gave us an example to follow if we really wish to maintain our Christian life. There is need of kenosis in our individual lives daily as seen in Phil. 2: 6-11, that is why individually we have to ask ourselves questions regarding what we read in LK. 22: 14-23, 56. What actions do I (N………………….) perform as the names or characters that appeared in the passage of the Passion narratives? As Peter, how many times do I deny Jesus each day through my sin of obstinacy, even with the conscious warning-ringing-bell every moment to my ears? Why do I presume to be a Christian when actually the moments of Faith manifestations I strong say, “I do not know Him (CHRIST)” because of some worldly pleasures that come my way? As Judas, why do I use divine gesture of love (kiss) to turn it into a mortal way of perdition because of those that I give it in a most sinful manner? As Herod or Pilate for power tussle or fame, why do I consciously and conscientiously deny the known Truth, thereby entering into the one of the sins against the Holy Spirit, even when the Truth speaks concretely before me? As a member of the mob group, why do I follow the unreasonable group always denying my baptismal promises and entering into modernism because I want to belong in the society that abhors the spiritual cum moral probity as not to be labeled as “you are of old stuff”? Let us stop and meditate a bit over these things and then like Peter and the women of Jerusalem weep for our sins and make sincere effort of contrition over them and go to Christ who despite our deliberate committing of sin yet prays Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing. In this situation and case we know exactly what we are doing, ipso facto let us run to him through the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) and lay bare our lives to him as to receive his pardon, because we need the virtue of humility as to accept our shortcoming because the Prov. 24: 16 made it and we needed the grace of God to read and appreciate the truth therein in 1 Jn. 1: 8-10. 2: 1-3.

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