
Sentiam Christi in vita meam

Wednesday, 19 September 2012


The psalmist fixes the course of the human life at 80 years. Seventy years is the span of our days, or eighty if we are strong. And most of these are toil and pain. They pass swiftly and we are gone Ps.90:10. Daddy, you enjoyed the biblical life span and even the jubilee celebrations therein because by faith your matrimonial jubilee was 20th October and on 18th August you answered the eternal yes of faithfulness as to be saying GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO as you sang all these years throughout your life which you spent more than 50 years at Onitsha, before you retired and came home at OGWAHIA-ACHARA UTURU at 70. We are very happy that you are our father and gave us the training that is rooted in God and with a very strong magnetic character that pulls very many people to our family for the greater glory of GOD. This is because you tried to held tenaciously the meaning of your name JACOB and applied it to your daily life which very many people shared from your philanthropy. From the Latin Iacobus, which was from the Greek Ιακωβος (Iakobos), which was from the Hebrew name יַעֲקֹב (Ya'aqov). In the Old Testament, Jacob (later called Israel) is the son of Isaac and Rebecca and the father of the twelve founders of the twelve tribes of Israel. He was born holding his twin brother Esau’s heel, and his name is explained as meaning holder of the heel or supplanter. It is also derived from a hypothetical name like יַעֲקֹבְאֵל (Ya'aqov'el) meaning may God protect. Daddy, you were truly a father to very many people not just socially but spiritually and morally too and through you God protected many people from harm. You were a philanthropist, a lover of all and above all highly spiritual and religious which was consequent of your ascetic and disciplinary life. This virtue yielded much fruit in our family and extended to other families and beyond Uturu. The moral values you inculcated in us is today a credit to the world in general seen in the good works of your priest son Rev Fr Dr Paul Chinemerem Odoeme and other brothers and sisters. Special mention is the moral value and dignity of virginity preservation which you with mummy inculcated in our daughters that were been testified by our in-laws after marriage in the Church. Daddy, with the five letters of your name, we remember with great joy the five most important biblical passages talking about the age or number 80 which you completed, thus:
J - The Revelation of John speaks about the great hailstones weighing near 80 pounds which fell from the sky on the people. (Rv 16,21)
A - The prophet Daniel was 80 years old at the time of the banquet given by Belshazzar, where he had to interpret the prophecy written on the wall of the royal palace. (Dn 5,1)
C - Age of Moses when he spoke to Pharaoh. (Ex 7,7)
O - After that Israelites had conquered peoples of Moab, the country of Israel had peace for 80 years. (Jg 3,30)
B - Eighty priests accompanied by Azariah, confronting the king Uzziah. (2 Ch 26,17).
Behold, as we bid you farewell many priests, religious men and women and lay faithful are here to bear witness of your welcome home to eternity. Requiescat in pace daddy.

Sunday, 16 September 2012


Verifying my mentality sincerely with love is a way of fighting my tepidity or spiritual lukewarm. Truly, nobody will ever like to be disappointed in life in all ramifications let alone when one is in for the formation to the Sacred Priesthood of Christ. One has to concretely love with consciousness and total docility to the Will of God through discernment. This verification of love is done through humility as we grow spiritually and otherwise. By this mentality-verification, we ought to place before us the concept of truth, that is, how things ought to be at any given time, more so for a life which is intrinsically and ontologically demanding of attentiveness in actions and words despite the current of our time. As common in the sayings: I thought you are a priest/seminarian or are you not a priest/seminarian, why are you following us in saying or doing these things. These spontaneous sayings and thoughts excusing us from not being involved or pointing to us which way to follow need an urgent rethinking by us (priests & priests-in-the-making.
Looking back on the liturgical invitation to mission when you began this year’s 2012 apostolic work on 15th July 2012, the 15th Sunday of the Ordinary Time of the year B, the Gospel of Mk.6:7-13, reminds us that we are sent two by two, and underlined thus: “Et praecepit eis ne quid tollerent in via, nisi virgam tantum: non peram, non panem neque in zona aes, sed calceatos sandaliis: et ne induerentur duabus tunicis - Don’t take anything with you on the trip except a walking stick-no bread, no beggar’s bag, no money in your pockets. Wear sandals, but don’t carry an extra shirt.” Mk.6:8-9. What does this mean to us? Were you able to carry these injunctions as you went on apostolic work this year? Even if you were not conscious of these missionary injunctions of Christ as you were preparing to go, when the gospel was read at the Mass what was your reaction and how did you implement it yourself as a priest-in-the-making who has been sent on a mission to a parish? While on the mission or apostolic work, were you wasteful of the people’s generousity by your unnecessary demands? Were you siphoning the people’s funds in any astute way? The habit does not make the monk, yet with the habit one identifies the monk,  this aphorism refers  to how you dress always while going for Catechism classes or  home visitations or moving around, when you are not in the Church for the missionary assignments or even at home while on holidays. Is your ideology that of those who say we are in the modern time so we ought to be modern and follow the trend? What kind of mentality do you have of the priestly life which is and ought to be intrinsically and ontologically above the ideas of relativism? This ought to be rooted in the 3 Ws (WEALTH, WOMEN & WINE) A caveat about priestly life!
On the 26th August 2012, the 21st Sunday of the Ordinary Time of the year B, which was supposed to be the last day for the 2012 apostolic work, the Gospel of John 6: 60-69 presented us with some stock-taking questions and assertions following the teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ as the Bread of Life: “Multi ergo audientes ex discipulis eius dixerunt: Durus est hic sermo, et quis potest eum audire? Sciens autem Iesus, apud semetipsum, quia murmurarent de hoc discipuli eius, dixit eis: Hoc vos scandalizat?Many of his followers heard this and said, This teaching is too hard. Who can listen to it? Without being told, Jesus knew that they were grumbling about this, so he said to them, Does this scandalize you? ” Jn.6: 61-62. Were you very cosmetic or jelly-fish in your teachings or orthodox as Christ taught and wished that the Church should always follow? Were people scandalized in your water-logged or perforated spirituality or teachings and you confused many just to attract admirers? Did you preach Christ or take the apostolic work time to make friends for yourself? Were people scandalized by your presences because of your way of life which was totally opposite of your vocation to the Sacred priesthood? Were the people happy or sad when you were leaving? All your successes (which was as a result of the grace of God through your docility to the Divine Will)  and failures (which was as a result of your distancing from the Divine Mandate) depended on you as a person, because they came from responsibility and free will that were governed by you! Therefore, let us reflect a bit over RESPONSIBILITY & FREEWILL: A DIVINE TOUCH?
If I so love or like to have or do something whatsoever, I must and ought to take responsibility for it.. For me to take only the  joy therein without thinking of the aftermath of my actions make me irresponsible and faithless to God and to that which am performing most especially my vocation to the sacred priesthood or religious life. Every vocation must and ought to be followed with a total and sincere responsibility which involves free will. Therefore, this involvement has an undertone which is spiritual, moral and social as well, evident in the way we make friends, life of courtship, married life and above all vocation to the sacred priesthood or religious life. In our seemingly wise decisions in life which is so contrary to God’s way, God always show us the level of our ignorance and stupidity, He who is Wisdom par excellence. God talks to us via different means to convince us that we are ignorant without His Presence in our lives.
Looking at yourself, on how you have behaved out of your freewill privately or publicly without thinking of what others may say, why do you then blame others when things go wrong or when there is a manifestation of your stupidity? The inner voice (conscience) is ever a spiritual magnet that draws or pulls us to God through human relationship which is the bedrock of our spiritual and moral growth. In our journey towards sanctity of life as:
i)                    priests/priest-in-the-making we ought to be careful of what we are and be very fearful of the dignity this call entails.
ii)                  ii) As a consecrated person, your vows are always and ought to be your vademecum all through your life.
iii)                 iii) As a person living a single life, special care must and ought to be taken in the choices you make because these choices are freely made.
iv)                In married life, attention must and ought to be focused on companionship filled with genuine love that is rooted in the consent made without deceit from both partners, remembering: “Quod ergo Deus coniunxit homo non separetTherefore whatever God has joined (united) no one put asunder or separate.” Mtt.19:6; Mk.10: 9 (cfr. Gen.2:24).
v)                  Daily life as a youth: Ps.119: 9ff


Saturday, 1 September 2012



The life of testimony and witness preached and lived as a priest and Bishop characterized in the life With Christ (sacrifice), For Christ (obedience) and In Christ (holiness of life) by Emeritus Bishop Anthony Ekezie ILONU, found its root in the Gospel read on 11th July, the Feast of St. Benedict of Norcia by the words and promise of Jesus Christ: “Et omnis, qui reliquerit domum vel fratres aut sorores aut patrem aut matrem aut uxorem aut filos aut agros propter nomen meum, centuplum accpiet et vitam aeternam possidebit - And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or fields for my sake, will receive a hundred times more and will be given eternal life.” Matt.19:29. His life of detachment is very much evident in the total sacrifice of all he possessed as well offered for the growth of the Church, seen in his teachings, mystagogical preaching and life of charity which was evident and concretely noticed from his childhood, developed in his junior and senior seminary days at St. Peter Claver Seminary Okpala-Owerri, Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu and Pontifical Urban University Rome. He continued from Pontifical Biblical Institute (Biblicum) Rome and Jerusalem, and other post-graduate and post doctoral Universities he attended. Back home in 1971, as a formator in Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu he never stopped, there he single handedly defended many vocations which could have been lost out of mere weakness or misunderstanding because of lack of listening ears, nevertheless he continued as well when he was consecrated the pioneer bishop of Okigwe diocese until the day of his glorious passage into the eternal kingdom, having received to the fullness the promise of Jesus Christ on the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus on Friday 15th June 2012. His sincere and simple life was for many, a point of a reference and an imitation that led many to their daily struggle of Christian life looking towards becoming saints. The legacy he left shall not be forgotten even by generations yet unborn. Ad Mayorem Gloriam Dei for his successor Most Rev Dr Solomon Amamchukwu AMATU, Bishop of Okigwe Diocese who gave him an earthly resting place in the PRESENCE OF OUR LORD IN THE SANCTISSIMUM SACRAMENTUM at the Chapel of Adoration in Immaculate Conception Cathedral Okigwe Diocese, on the memorial of St. Benedict of Norcia, Father of Western Monasticism, this day 11th July 2012 . Providentially 31 years ago when he was just 3 months and 12 days as a Bishop, this particular date 11th July 1981 was the first date and time he ordained the first set of priests (Rev Fr Ignatius Ngozi Osuji [Ibeme-Ugiri] and Rev Fr Peter Osuchukwu [Amauzari-Ugiri, for the diocese of Enugu]) of Okigwe Diocese as a newly consecrated Bishop in St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral Okigwe on 29th March 1981.

The total sacrifice and detachment from things of the world of this great saintly icon of un-bloody martyr Bishop Anthony Ekezie ILONU, is very open when one visits his home town NDIOGBUONYEOME-ARONDIZUGO in his parents’ (Late Matthias & Helena ILONU) compound. Many who had the opportunity of visiting his parents’ compound comes back glorifying GOD the more and tries to emulate what they saw and hear him (with his immediate younger brother Msgr Luke Onyechukwu ILONU, pioneer and founding Rector of St. Peter’s Seminary Okigwe) preach about priestly spirituality on detachment according to the biblical injunction of Matt.19:27-29. No wonder then their little human efforts were crowned with greatness and successes concretely evident on innumerable number of people (priests, religious men and women, seminarians and lay faithful) who were what they are and where they found themselves because of the unconditional charity and sacrifices this two brothers have put into the Church for the love they had for Christ reflecting the words of the Psalmist: What can I offer the Lord for His goodness to me? I will bring a wine offer to the Lord, to thank Him for saving me. In the assembly of all His people I will give Him what I have promised…I will give you a sacrifice of thanksgiving and offer my prayer to You. In the assembly of all your people, in the sanctuary of your Temple in Jerusalem, I will give You what I promised Ps.116:12-14, 17-18. Again this life of total sacrifice which he had as a sign of great love for his priests led him into suffering many humiliations rather than to see his priests suffer rejections from any place even beyond our continent Africa. In many occasions he skated his head as to protect his priests, even at night as the biblical Nicodemus, after which he invites them to reprimand them for he do not want any of them to get lost as a shepherd, very many of his priests are living testimonies to this unique character of sacrifice in the life of a Bishop so humble and lenient. Bishop ILONU had a foresight and was a paradigm of a shepherd that he was sending his priests Overseas for further studies, because of that the authorities sat on him looking for a way to stop him from sending his priests Overseas. Like the Eternal High Priest during His arrest at the Garden of Gethsemane who said: “Iterum ergo interrogavit eos: Quem quaeritis? Illi autem dixerunt: Iesum Nazarenum. Respondit Iesus: Dixi vobis quia ego sum; si ergo me quaeritis, sinite hos abire - Again he asked them, "Who is it you want?" And they said, Jesus of Nazareth. I told you that I am he," Jesus answered. "If you are looking for me, then let these men go.” Jn.18:7-8. Applying this to the life of Bishop ILONU, he did not hold tenaciously his position and office as a bishop rather he saw his office as a sacrifice and victim hence, he gave his position and whole life by saying “Take me and leave my priests alone”. He lived an exemplary and simple life that he was always the first at the Cathedral site to lead in the manual work and very much indeed uses his hands in doing everything possible in the working arena. He never gets tired at work. The love of salus animarum led him into the apostolate of creating schools and parishes-in-buildings into every nook and cranny of the diocese. Today other dioceses has copied his original and pioneer thought, Ad Mayorem Dei Gloriam. In correcting his priests within the presbyterium, he believed very much on “adult faith” among those who are already priest, hence on many occasions he said repeatedly that: “I will not build another seminary specifically for training candidates who are already priests because each priest ought to have an adult faith in Christ regarding priestly life”, reflecting on the SIRACH 15:11-20.

Preaching about the chastity of a priest he once said: “a priest is OKARA MMUO OKARA MMADU [HALF SPIRIT HALF HUMAN] because of this his celibate chastity is and ought to be likened to that of the virginity of our Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of priests.”

Preaching of the sublime and Divine power of forgiveness many a time, Bishop Anthony Ekezie ILONU re-emphasized repeatedly that: “The power of forgiveness is far more greater than the power of creation” because the Holy Spirit is ever anew in many souls renewing and awakening the dead conscience. He tries to enliven his own spirit in trying to forgive those who wronged him and as well try to bring them near to himself, that they may appreciate his act, yet very many take this his lenience as weakness to harm or try to set trap for him. Sometimes, being human he might make mistakes but because of his sincerity and openheartedness, the grace of God saves him and he as well very many times ask for forgiveness if he had any way offended someone.

Speaking on his spirit of Oneness, Catholicity, Apostolicity, and Holiness of the Church, his missionary spirit led him to make OKIGWE DIOCESE a missionary diocese beginning from the diocesan seminary. He encourages vocations to the priesthood and religious lives, hence the admission of anybody from any place or diocese to join the diocesan seminary for the formation to the Sacred Priesthood of Christ. Today, Okigwe Diocese ranks among the highest with very many seminarians and priests in and as diasporas within the diocese and beyond comparing with the number of seminarians (junior and senior) and priests. He accepted and encouraged the virgin birth of the women religious Missionary Daughters of Divine Presence MDDP, with their Mother House, Generalate cum Novitiate Houses all found in the diocese. In all these he accepts the challenges and works for fulfillment for the greater glory of God. No wonder then he had as his motto: NON NOBIS DOMINE, NON NOBIS, SED TUA DATUR NOME GLORIA Ps.115:1.

As a pastor, in his pastoral charity, he exercises his pastoral duty in the most diligent and holy way that people experiences the presence of Christ in his prophetic words of mystagogical homilies, sermons and preaching. Celebrating the Eucharist, he uses his angelic voice chanting the Eucharistic Prayers, indeed one experiences the aura of seraphic choirs. The zeal of his excellence in pastoral charity made him to know and visit all his priests, even those of Diaspora in their various home towns on different occasions. He knew where each of his priest is posted off by heart. An incident happened, hence I confirm it because I am involved. My immediate younger brother Mr RaphaelMary Mmaduka OGUJIOFFOR, a Mass server, met him at Holy Ghost Cathedral Enugu in the Sacristy after the Holy Mass when there was a meeting of the Bishops. He greeted him and introduced himself as a brother to Fr Paul OGUJIOFFOR, the Bishop immediately said to him, “he a teacher and formator in St. Peter’s Seminary Okigwe, he is from Aku”. This was narrated to me by my brother later, because he said he was surprise by the bishop’s response to him. Indeed below are the promises Jesus made to us, who were faithful to Him, these were bestowed to our beloved Bishop even unto death, as Christ called him on the exact day of the celebration of the Solemnity of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus which was on Friday 15th June 2012.

The Remains of the Late Bishop Anthony Ilonu
Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Of the many promises Our Lord Jesus Christ did reveal to Saint Margaret Mary in favor of souls devoted to His Sacred Heart the principal ones are as follows:
1. I will give them all the graces necessary for their state of life.
2. I will give peace in their families.
3. I will console them in all their troubles.
4. I will be their refuge in life and especially in death.
5. I will abundantly bless all their undertakings.
6. Sinners shall find in my Heart the source and infinite ocean of mercy.
7. Tepid souls shall become fervent.
8. Fervent souls shall rise speedily to great perfection.
9. I will bless those places wherein the image of My Sacred Heart shall be exposed and venerated.
10. I will give to priests the power to touch the most hardened hearts.
11. Persons who propagate this devotion shall have their names eternally written in my Heart.
12. In the excess of the mercy of my Heart, I promise you that my all powerful love will grant to all those who will receive Communion on the First Fridays, for nine consecutive months, the grace of final repentance: they will not die in my displeasure, nor without receiving the sacraments; and my Heart will be their secure refuge in that last hour.
Behold the Bishop emeritus as he blesses a car in a most solemn yet simple form. A life full of pastoral activities yet retired physically. He was an embodiment of gifts given freely by God. One hardly distinguishes what exactly is his area of specialization, because any time and any place he was called to say something on any field of life or profession he gives a mastery exposition of that even if called in urgency. In his blessing of articles or objects, his prayer is always a form of biblical panoramic and historical origin and reason for that particular thing in life and the worship of God through that. He was a great devotee of Our Blessed Virgin Mother.



13 years (Saturday 7th August 1999 @ Holy Cross Parish Uturu Okigwe Diocese Nigeria – Tuesday 7th August 2012 @ Parrocchia San Martino Riccione Diocesi di Rimini Italia) of (My) REV FR PAUL IKECHUKWU OGUJIOFFOR priestly life, Am I a “spiritual magnet” for people toward CHRIST JESUS , the Eternal Priest?

The magnet has the capacity and potentiality of attracting other metals/objects to itself. This is consequent to the presence of the metallic bond of the magnet. Christ said: “Et ego, si exaltatua fuero a terra, omnia traham ad meipsum. - And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone (all people) to myself." Jn.12:32. Christ is God and He draws everyone to Himself. Therefore as a priest, I am an ALTER CHRISTI, when I act, am acting IN PERSONA CHRISTI, which people ought to see in me IPSE CHRISTI, hence my motto is: SENTIAM CHRISTUM IN VITA MEAM. If they see IPSE CHRISTI in my words and actions, Christ will draw them to Himself, because every priest ought to be as the Holy Scripture said: “Omnis namque pontifex ex hominibus adsumptus pro hominibus constituitur in iis quae sunt ad Deum ut offerat dona et sacrificia pro peccatis; qui condolere possit iis qui ignorant et errant quoniam et ipse circumdatus est infirmitate; et propterea debet quemadmodum et pro populo ita etiam pro semetipso offerre pro peccatis. Nec quisquam sumit sibi honorem sed qui vocatur a Deo tamquam Aaron. - For every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things [pertaining] to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins: Who can have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are out of the way; for that he himself also is compassed with infirmity. And by reason hereof he ought, as for the people, so also for himself, to offer for sins. And no man takes this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as [was] Aaron.” Heb.5:1-4.

Therefore, Paul, you were separated from the people so that you may have a strong magnetic power to draw them spiritually to Christ each moment, because the joy of today is nourished by the great past.

1)      How faithful am I regarding being a spiritual magnet, a mere earthenware jar that draws people to Christ, because I am Ipse Christi?

2)      What is this spiritual magnet that ought to draw people to Christ through me? It is that indelible ontological sacramental character or mark which I received on the day of my priestly ordination on Saturday 7th August 1999 @ Holy Cross Parish Uturu, through the instrumentality of Most Rev Dr Anthony Ekezie ILONU (of Blessed memory) the then Bishop of Okigwe Diocese.

3a) The extract of Priestly Ordination Instruction goes thus:

Vos autem, filii dilectissimi, ad ordinem Presbyterii provehendi, sacro docendi munere in Christo Magistro pro vestra parte fungemini. Verbum Dei omnibus dispensate, quod ipsi cum gaudio acceptistis. In lege Domini meditantes, videte ut quod legeritis credatis, quod credideritis doceatis, quod docueritis imitemini.
And now, my dearly beloved sons, you are to be raised to the order of the Priesthood. For your part, you will be engaged in the sacred duty of teaching, subject to Christ the Teacher. Dispense the Word of God -- which you yourselves have received with joy -- to all men. Meditating upon the law of the Lord, take care that you believe that which you have read; that you teach that which you have believed; and that you imitate that which you have taught.

3b) How many times have I celebrated this mystery unworthily or teach properly what I believe or believe what I preach, knowing that when I preach I ought to reflect what I preach which is a mystery of the Incarnate Word of God?

4) Paul, you are taken from among men and ordained for men in things [pertaining] to God, this brings to limelight the missionary life and spirit of every priest, hence in preaching the Good News, my biological family should not be a block to it, for the Eternal Priest gave us an example as the Scripture said; Dixit autem ei quidem: Ecce mater tua et fraters tui foris stant quaerentes te. At ipse respondens dicenti sibi ait: Quae est mater mea, et qui sunt fraters mei? Et extendens manum in discipulos suos dixit: Ecce mater mea et fraters mei. Quicumque enim fecerit voluntatem Patris mei qui in caelis est, ipse meus frater et soror et mater est. - Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee. But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?. And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!. For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother. Matt.12:47-50.

5) Therefore, how profound and committed have I being when preaching and teaching to the people knowing full well that those listening to me are fellow Christians as we are all baptized in Christ through the Trinitarian sign?

6) Behold Paul, your thoughts are scandalous and your act contradicts your vocation and you are constant in offending God. Therefore, I ought to be truly Christian as not to be cast out at the end though am a priest, because being a priest is a shortest way to heaven (if I am faithful to my calling) and a shortest way to hell (because as a priest, I ought to know what it entails to be a priest and yet I go on to live in habitual sin, in view of this it is a shortest way to Hades.) Lord in your infinite mercy grant me your forgiveness.

7) Sitting at the Confessional to administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation, penitents come to address me thus: “Lord forgive me I am ashamed to be before you, for I have done...”. This touched me very deeply and I recalled immediately these words:

Munere item sanctificandi in Christo fungemini. Ministerio enim vestro sacrificium spirituale fidelium perficietur, Christi sacrificio coniunctum, quod [una cum iis] per manus vestras super altare incruenter in celebratione mysteriorum offeretur. Agnoscite ergo quod agitis, imitamini quod tractatis, quatenus mortis et resurrectionis Domini mysterium celebrantes, membra vestra a vitiis omnibus mortificare et in novitate vitae ambulare studeatis.
Likewise will you exercise the office of sanctifying in Christ. For through your ministry the spiritual sacrifice of the faithful shall be made perfect, bound to the Sacrifice of Christ -- which [, together with those spiritual sacrifices,] shall be offered through your hands in an unbloody manner upon the altar in the celebration of the Mysteries. Understand therefore what you are about; imitate that which you touch; insofar as you are celebrating the Mystery of the Lord's death and resurrection, may you strive to mortify your limbs of all vices, and to walk in the newness of life.

8) How humble and meek have I been in the Confessional listening to the people and drawing them to Christ through my counseling and even praying with or for them their penances for those who are actually confused of their acceptance by Christ because of what they might have been thinking about themselves?

9) How far and often do I mortify myself knowing full well that the devil dwells in the tepid spirit, with a seemingly active body that seem to be doing good?

10) Have I being showing off or being proud with the little knowledge I had when disseminating the Word of God to people, Paul be careful less you become deprived of the knowledge of God.

11) How have I being celebrating the Liturgy? Do I celebrate so that people we praise me or give God glory in the celebration?

12) Do people experience the Divine aura when I am offering the Sacrifice of the Mass, knowing full well that it is a Mystery and not just a mere ceremony because of how I handle the Sacred Species, vessels and other objects ?

13) Have I being deceiving people as to get my way through many means or contact with them because am a priest?
On this my 13th priestly anniversary, the 13 Letters of St. Paul speaks to me, Fr Paul on the verse 13s of chapter one or two of the thirteen Letters of St. Paul:

1)      Rom.1:13 Nolo autem vos ignorare, fraters, quia saepe proposui venire ad vos et prohibitus sum usque adhuc, ut aliquem fructum habeam et in vobis, sicut et in ceteris gentibus - Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you, (but was let hitherto,) that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles. Do I appreciate the gifts of people knowing full well that am nothing, that even in the ignorance as I may think about them, the wisdom of God surpasses every human knowledge.

2)      1Cor.1:13 Divisus est Christus? Nunquid Paulus crucifixus est pro vobis? Aut in nomine Pauli baptizanti estis? - Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul? How conscientious have I been in trying to explain the Word of God as not to lead people astray?

3)      2Cor.1:13 Non enim alia scribimus vobis quam quae legistis et cognovistis; spero autem quod usque in finem cognoscetis - For we write none other things unto you, than what ye read or acknowledge; and I trust ye shall acknowledge even to the end. The Word of God and the Teachings of the Church ought to be my basis of catechetical instructions to the faithful, do I make this Truth known to people?

4)      Gal.1:13 Audistis enim conversationem meam aliquando in Iudaismo, quoniam supra modum persequebar ecclesiam Dei et expugnabam illam - For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it. How many times have I wasted the opportunity I had in the priesthood?

5)      Eph.1:13 In quo et vos, cum audissetis verbum veritatis, evangelium salutis vestrae, in quo et credentes signati estis Spiritu promissionis sancto - In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise. Do I make myself available and docile to the Holy Spirit to work through me?

6)      Phil.1:13 Ita ut vincula mea manifesta fierent in Christo in omni praetorio et in ceteris omnibus - So that my bonds in Christ are manifest in all the palace, and in all other [places]. How faithful have I been to Christ the Eternal Priest in public and in the hiding?

7)      Col.1:13 Qui eripuit nos de potestas tenebrarum et transtulitbin regnum Filii dilectionis suae - Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated [us] into the kingdom of his dear Son. The power of God works through us as instrument, how many times have I translated that gospel of God’s kingdom with certainty or do I allow the power of darkness to take lead in my life?

8)      1Thess.2:13 Ideo et nos gratias agimus Del sine intermissione, quoniam, cum accepisssetis a nobis verbum hominum, sed, sicut est vere, verbum Dei, qui operator in vobis qui credidistis - For this cause also we thank God without ceasing, because, when ye received the Word of God which ye heard of us, ye received [it] not [as] the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worked also in you that believe. How have I been thanking God for the gift so sublime to be translated into human word which I had?

9)      2Thess.2:13 In qua et vocavit vos per evangelium nostrum in adquistionem gloriae Domini nostri Iesu Christi - But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth. Do I always have a personal and private prayer outside the obligatory prayer of the church?

10)  1Tim.1:13 Qui prius blasphemus fui et persecutor et contumeliosus; sed misericordiam Dei consecutus sum, quia ignorans feci in incredulitateWho was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did [it] ignorantly in unbelief. How do I feel when I engage myself into crucifying Christ again and again by my unworthy thoughts, words and deeds?

11)  2Tim.1:13 Formam habe sanorum verborum, quae a me audisti, in fede et in delectione in Christo Iesu - Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. Can people actually follow me by my words when they x-ray my actions daily?

12)  Titus 1:13 Testimonium hoc verum est. Quam ob causam increpa illos dure, ut sani in fide - This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith. How vehement have I been in dealing with spiritual and moral issues during homilies, in the Confessional and catechetical instructions?

13)  Philemon 1:13 Quem ego volueram mecum detinere, ut pro te mihi ministraret in vinculis evangelii - Whom I would have retained with me, that in thy stead he might have ministered unto me in the bonds of the gospel. How many have you influenced strongly and positively too by your priestly life in general?


a)      Thank you Lord for the opportunity which You granted me today as I celebrate my 13th priestly anniversary immediately after the Holy Mass, to also administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation to a penitent, sharing in your Divine Mercy ontological character in me as your priest.

b)      The gift of a new Nokia phone from SIGNORA MESSINA MARIE JOSEPH (a Cameroonian lady married to an Italian) who is always present at the Holy Mass every evening. My phone got blocked on Monday 06/08/2012 and she was there when I was showing it to Don Maurizio. God bless her with your infinite choice of favours, Amen.

GEOFFREY EBOH  6:06 PM (5 hours ago) 06/08/2012
Dear Nwanne-ukwu, Congratulation and happy anniversary. You see how years and time flies. That wonderful. When looks back from the formation years in the seminary and from the day of ordination, we could really say--God you are great and wonderfully strong in my life, you love me more than the rest. I will pray for you and remember you this evening while celebrating. In fact, Nwanne-ukwu, I do at times forget these dates. You remind me of mine  coming-up August 15th-Assumption--birthday and Sept.5th my ordination, please do remember me. Wishing you happy summer stay in Riccione. old e-mail was hacked or blocked, so I could not get in there.--9095860027. My regard to all. Fr.shala

Happy Anniversary my Brother!
Paul Odoeme  10:54 AM (3 hours ago) 07/08/2012

Hallo Paul,
It’s been a long time since we read from each other. I remembered you today in a special way, thinking about your Priestly anniversary. May the Grace of Ordination continue to strengthen you and support your efforts to remain faithful to the Calling of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. Be assured of my continued prayers. Chukwu gbaa gi ume! I guess you are somewhere now in the Mountains helping out in a parish. Thanks so much for the Reflections about our Home. Chukwu gozie gi. Fr. Paul

Antonio Rodríguez de Rivera  1:02 PM (59 minutes ago) 07/08/2012
Carissimo Paul,
Un saluto affettuoso! Oggi ho ricordato il tuo 13º anniversario sacerdotale e ho pregato specialmente, durante la celebrazione dell'Eucaristia, per la tua santità sacerdotale e per i frutti del tuo ministero. Ad multos annos! Tutto bene in Nigeria?... Io sto bene, grazie a Dio. Pochi giorni fa sono tornato da Costa d'Avorio e dopo mi sono trasferito al Collegio sacerdotale Tiberino. Mi affido alle tue orazioni.
Un abbraccio fraterno nel Signore Antonio D. Antonio Rodríguez de Rivera Collegio sacerdotale Tiberino Via San Francesco di Sales, 27 00165 Roma Tel. 06-68210999 (int. 206) 6:33 PM (4 hours ago) 07/08/2012 Ogundipe, Happy Priestly Anniversary! I wish you many more years of blessings! -Omo
Congratulations to your Priestly Anniversary! vin adibe 9:23 PM (1 hour ago) 07/08/2012
My dear Fr. Paul,
I am wishing you more steadfast years in the Lord´s vineyard. I hope you had a joyful celebration in thanksgiving to God for His manifolds blessings to you and us all. May His name be ever exalted all through our lives. How are you doing?  My short visit at home was hindered by a lot of forces to per some   commendable visit to our families. But I am very sure that God´s mercy abounds. May we never cease to pray for the better standard of living to our entire people. All the best to you in all your endeavours.
Your Sr Vinclare

Facebook: 4 hours ago 07/08/2012 Ibeh Muna Happy anniversary Fr. May the good Lord make ever fresh your vocation to serve Him, amen.

Facebook Obianujunwa Muoh 7 August via Mobile HURRAY! HAPPY 13th ANIVERSARY OF PRIESTHOOD Ogun lkechuwkwu God is with u all D time

JESSICA MARTINA CHINYERE AMEDU 06/08/2012 SMS 21.15.12 Congratulations! May the Almighty GOD give you more strength to work in His vineyard. Wishing you many more years ahead and thanks a lot for giving me joy all these while.
PETER OKECHUKWU OGUJIOFFOR SMMM 07/08/2012 SMS 07.54.29 May God continue to shower his blessings on you as you labour in His vineyard. Happy anniversary.

Charles Nwankwo 12:28 AM (8 hours ago) 08/08/2012 Fr, Congratulation as you turn 13 in the Lords vine yard. How time fly. I enjoy your write up. Have you written any book/s  ? Ad Moltus .Annos.
uche okoronkwo Aug 10 Ogun, it was like yesterday, but the truth is that you are 13 years sharing in the Love, Passion and Joy of our Lord Jesus Christ. The number 13 makes your celebration all the more noteworthy - do something in honour of Our Lady this year. Make a pilgrimage to Lourdes, Fatima or Medjugorje...I pray that SHE guides you and takes care of all your worries. May the Blessed Virgin Mary help you do the will of her Son Jesus Christ and grant you the spiritual and academic success you aspire. Congratulations brother Paul.

Uwakwe Chibuike Happy Priestly Anniversary Fr Paul Ogujioffor Anniversaries are special opportunities for reflection and retrospection. As you celebrate your thirteenth year as a priest, I humbly invite you to join me and reflect on these letters:

·         T- Take time to celebrate the Eucharist and never be in a hurry.

·         H- Hold on to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament always.

·         I- Insist always on what is right as you have always done.

·         R- Remember the good you are known for and preserve it.

·         T- Thanksgiving should be your watchword.

·         E- Envelop yourself in the maternity of Our Lady.

·         E- Embrace the evangelical counsels with joy.

·         N- Never fail to apologize when you hurt others.

·         T- Try to be the best you can.

·          H- Hold on to the good you have been these thirteen years and leave the bad.

·         Congratulations, we are witnesses to these thirteen years of active work in God's vineyard and you have inspired many of us by your prayer life, humility, docility and simplicity. You are always ready to serve. May God strengthen you more to do more and to be more Christlike. Uwakwe Chibuike August 2012Apostolic Worker, Queen of Peace Parish Umuariam Obowo, Okigwe Diocese - Nigeria.