do you think of yourself about your past life in the just concluded year 2012?
Look at the commandments of God and see which one you are so addicted and
always fails a victim. How many times did you ask for pardon and how often have
you shamefully gone back to it or to them? The LORD is merciful, compassionate, patient, and always
ready to forgive Ps. 145:8. This
is a time for sincere resolution because the Word of God is telling you: Si dixerimus quoniam peccatum non habemus,
ipsi nos seducimus, et veritas in nobis non est. Si
confiteamur peccata nostra, fidelis est et iustus, ut remittat nobis peccata
nostra et emundet nos ab omni iniquitate. Si
dixerimus quoniam non peccavimus, mendacem facimus eum, et verbum eius non est
in nobis - If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and there is no
truth in us. But if we confess our sins to God, he will keep his promise and do
what is right: he will forgive us our sins and purify us from all our
wrongdoing. If we say that we have not sinned, we make a liar out of God, and
his word is not in us 1 Jn.1:8-10. That is why the Scripture
said: There is no one on earth who does
what is right all the time and never makes mistakes Qoholet (Ecclesiates)
7:20. Hence, No matter how often the
honest (just) people fall, they always get up again, but disaster destroyed the
wicked Prov. 24:16. Therefore, N,…………….You
will never succeed in life if you try to hide your sins. Confess them and give
them up; then God will show mercy to you. Always obey the Lord and you will be
happy. If you are stubborn, you will be ruined Prov. 28:13. Be assured
that, happy are those whose sins are
forgiven, whose wrongs are pardoned. Happy is the one whom the Lord does not
accuse of doing wrong and who is free from all deceit. When I did not confess
my sins, I was worn out from crying all day long. Day and night you punish me,
Lord; my strength was completely drained, as moistures is dried up by the
summer heat. Then I confess my sins to you; I did not conceal my wrongdoings. I
decided to confess them to you, and you forgave all my sins Ps. 32:1-5. Lord
Jesus thank you for this opportunity of coming to you as you taught us thus: …Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et
nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris, et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed
libera nos noa a malo. Amen. “Si enim dimiseritis hominibus peccata eorum,
dimittet et vobis Pater vester caelestis delicta vestra; si autem non
dimiseritus hominibus, nec Pater vester dimittet vobis peccata” - Forgive us
the wrongs we have done, as we forgive the wrongs that others have done to us.
Do not bring us to hard testing, Amen. “If you forgive others the wrong they
have done to you, your Father in heaven will also forgive you. But if you do
not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive the wrong you have done”
Matt. 6:12-15. If actually you, (N……………) wants to make a sincere resolution
this year 2013 and keep to it, know then that, Omnis qui facit peccatum et iniquitatem facit: et peccatum est
iniquitas. Et scitus quia ille apparuit ut peccata nostra tolleret,
et peccatum in eo non est. Omnis
qui in eo manet non peccat, et omnis qui peccat non vidit eum nec cognovits eum
- Whoever sins, is guilty of breaking the God’s law, because sin is a breaking
of the law. You know that Christ appeared in order to take away sins, and that
there is no sin in him. So everyone who lives in union with Christ does not
continue to sin; but whoever continues to sin has never seen him or known him
1 Jn. 3:4-6. Therefore, this calls for meditation over the word RESOLUTION
– REMOVE all hide & sick and
hypocrisy in your life.
– ENTER sincerely this year with seriousness of love of God through good
– SERVE others always for this is humility.
– OFFER daily to God in prayer the good of others.
– LEARN the Word of God daily for it will increase your affinity to God.
– UNITE people always with your presence.
– TRUST in God that your resolution may be maintained always.
– INSTRUCT yourself first as to be faithful in your resolutions.
– OBSERVE well the virtue of others and imitate them too.
– NOTHING is so rewarding as keeping promise made to God.
you Lord for the favours you gave me all these years. Pardon me for the
ungratefulness and ingratitude which I have constantly used in reciprocating
this Love. Look not on my insensitivity, insensibility or the scandal that I might
have committed consciously or unconsciously. Forgive all whom I have derailed
by my speech and actions, and never punish them because of that. Give me the
grace to increase in virtue each moment in my life that people may continue to
experience Christ in my life. Blessed Virgin Mother, intercede for us. Iwene Tansi di Ngozi yobala anyi ayiyo (Blessed
Iwene Tansi pray for us.)
The Holy Family of
Jesus, Mary and Joseph is a perfect family. Ipso facto, is a model and exemplary
family to all families as to make a better society, for the family
intrinsically and ontologically is the first Church, first school and first
society and if there is a lack in any form or negligence of duty by the
parents, guardian, priests, pastors or teachers, the effect is a society that
sees God or Word of Life (Bible) as an enemy or cause of many anomalies in our
Behold this: “Is
high time we know what to do with the Bible and some Church’s teachings based
on the Scriptures so as to suit our modern and contemporary time, it is too
obsolete for our time.” This was said by a 25 years old girl, a final year
student of Law to me while in the Confessional with her. What comes to my mind
immediately was Wis. 2:12 Let us lie in
wait for the righteous man, because he is inconvenient to us and opposes our
actions; he reproaches us for sins against the law, and accuses us of sins
against our training. (Cfr. Jer. 11:19; 20: 10-13; Jn. 5:16-18; Mt. 26:3-4;
23). Indeed nobody is accusing anybody of anything rather the voice of God or
true conscience of such people is a disturbance to themselves.
the Bible be taken as an obsolete or antiquated book or Literature which is out
of context, not modern or contemporary to this electronic world, jet-age,
satellite age, computer orientated world, globalized atmosphere, nuclear or
atomic or astronomic age? The answer has nothing to do with polemics, riddles,
debates, academic research, self orientated feelings or egocentric likings or
personal ideas or it-depends-on-what-we-mean-syndrome,
If we believe we are humans and more so children of God, we ought to know that
we are created in the image and likeness of God as a result of his Mercy and Love.
Therefore, despite whatever condition one may see himself or herself, bad as it
may be, difficult as we may conceive it, ill luck as we may term it, negative
connotations as we may attribute to it, or thinking that the favours that we
receive is sui generis, as well a scit omnia and out of our own personal
endeavours and that no help came from any angle, it be divine, supernatural or
natural, we are simply inhuman and ungrateful to the Creator. The fact and concept of being a Christian
answers it all. The Bible as the
Word of God and Word of Life is ever new and present, both in the past, now and
in the future, so every part of it helps in our moral, spiritual, educational,
social, holistic and integral formation, for the family is the first church and
the first school; where there is malformation, misinformation and unformed
members, we are bound by this act to see errors and things-out-of-fashion and not modern or contemporary in the Word of
God, once it touches any part of our sinful and imperfect actions which we see
as being current. To say that the society is weighing hard on or negatively
influencing the family, is as a result of negligence on the primary duties
because the society is intrinsically made up of the family. Negligence by
parents is never true love to their children and is always detrimental not only
to the family but to the society at large. Therefore, wise children pay attention when their parents correct them, but
arrogant people never admit they are wrong. Good people will be rewarded for
what they say, but those who are deceitful are hungry for violence Prov. 13:1-2.
The violence in the society is tantamount to primary or basic lack of duty,
hence, if you don’t punish your children,
you don’t love them. If you do love them, you will correct them Prov. 13:24.
This is very obvious because, if have
sons, educate them. Teach them self-discipline while they are young. If you
have daughters, keep them virtuous, and don’t be too indulgent with them
Sirach 7: 23-24. Parents who are God fearing and tries to lead by good example
will always be happy with their children. Their children will be like them
hence they will always pray thus: O Lord,
my Father and Master of my life, do not leave me at the mercy of my own words;
don’t let them cause my downfall. I wish I could be whipped for my thoughts, so
that Wisdom could discipline my mind. I
would not want to be spared when I am wrong; I would not want a single sin to
be overlooked! Then I would not keep on sinning, making one mistake after
another. I could not fall to my enemies and be humiliated by them. O Lord,
my Father, God of my life, keep me from being arrogant; protect me from evil
desires. Keep me from being overcome by greed or lust; do not leave me at the
mercy of these shameless passions Sirach 23:1-5. Furthermore, parents ought
to teach children how they should live,
and they will remember it all their life Prov. 22:6 because, children just naturally do silly, careless
things, but a good spanking will teach them how to behave Prov. 22:15. Ipso
facto, correction and discipline are good
for children. If they have their own way, they will make their mothers ashamed
of them Prov. 29:15 hence, discipline
your children and you can always be proud of them. They will never give you
reason to be ashamed Prov. 29:17. In bringing up the children in a sound
discipline according to Sirach 30:1.13, the parents ought to live a prayerful
life that it will continue to resound on the auricles of their children in this
form: Honour your father with all your
heart, and never forget how your mother suffered when you were born Sirach
7: 27-28. When we imbibe the good teachings of our parents, many favours and
forgiving and compassionate nature of God is assured among us, cfr. Sirach 3:
1-16. Finally, for mistakes already done by some parents, what they could not
do with their expected good exemplary life to their children, they ought and should
do now through their knees in constant prayers that God may come to their help,
but trusting totally in God because God do not act in a magical way rather when
He wills. Oh Lord forgive our insensitivity,
our insensibility, our foolishness and above all the scandal which we have caused
and engraved into our children and youths and turning towards them to blame them
for nothing and of being disobedient, whereas they were imitators of what they saw
us do.
The Eternal Priesthood
of Christ is commemorated with the incensing, his victimhood is reenacted, his
sacrifice and oblation nature is pronounced symbolically and his passion is easily
seen in the gesture of this liturgical act. The profound spirituality is very
clear that the aura declares and calls for deep meditation for this mystery of
Incarnation which was evident in the FIAT of Our Blessed Virgin Mother as
recorded in the Gospel of St Luke; Dixit
autem Maria: Ecce ancilla Domini, fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum – Then Mary
said, Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord be it done to me according to your
word Lk.1:38. Mary played the role of motherhood of the Divine Child whom
she naturally formed by her immaculate and innocent maternal blood in her womb.
The divine conception of Our Lord and God in a mystery of Verbum Incarnato came from the Et
Verbum Caro factum est, Et habitavit nobis, the silence of midnight or
vigil prayer is resounded with the liturgical break of the Gloria in Excelsis Deo. This ushers greatly the symbolic
God-is-with-us, his presence, his peace, his reign, his kingdom, his
forgiveness, his goodness, as was attested by John the Baptist: Venit fortior me post me, cuius non sum
dignum procumbens solver corigiam calceamentorum eius (Mt.3:11; Lk.3:16;
Jn.1:27) - Someone is coming soon who is greater
than I am--so much greater that I'm not even worthy to stoop down like a slave
and untie the straps of his sandals
The Feast of St. Stephen the
proto-martyr follows immediately the Solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord
Jesus Christ 25th December. This presents to us the Liturgical cum
Spiritual character of the opening of the heavens for the entrance therein by
the true witnesses and testimony of Christ. Christ was born into the world that
the “womb
of the heavens” may allow the glorious birth of St. Stephen through
martyrdom, so it is to all who seek Christ sincerely. By this Stephen imitated
Christ as in Lk. 23:34Iesus autem dicebat: Pater, dimitte illis;
non enim sicunt quid faciunt – Father, forgive them for they know not what they
are doing; in His suffering and
death.Positis autem genibus, clamavit voce magna dicens: Domine, ne statuas
illis hoc peccatum - Et, cum hoc dixisset, obdormivit in Domino - Kneeling down
in prayer he said: Lord, do not remember this sin against them Acts 7:60.
Christ while on the cross commended his spirit to the Father, Et clamas voce magna Iesus ait: Pater,
<<in manus tuas commendo spiritum meum Ps.31: 6 >> - Jesus cried
out in a loud voice, Father, into your hands I commend my spirit Lk.23:46.
Imitating Christ, while Stephen was been stoned to death commended his spirit
to Our Lord Jesus, Et lapidabant
Stephenum invocantem et dicentem: Domine Iesu, suscipe spiritum meum – As they
were stoning Stephen he cried out and said: Lord Jesus, receive my spirit
Acts. 7: 59. From this feast of St. Stephen we learn from him what exactly the
new born child brought to us, LOVE and FORGIVENESS which comes out from sincere
sacrifice and peace of soul in our salvation history. Our call to holiness of
life and our eternal joy in heaven is indeed receiving Stephen or crown at last. This is because from the etymology the
name Stephen implies Crown of glory, derived from the Greek
name Στέφανος (Stephanos) meaning crown, garland, in turn from the Greek
word στέφανος, meaning wreath, crown,
honour, reward, therefore, literally, that
which surrounds or encompasses. In receiving this crown we must be martyrs
but we ought to be servants to others as to receive this. Indeed Stephen was a deacon
hence we ought to be deacons before receiving our crown, for the word deacon is derived from the Greek word diakonos
(διάκονος), which is a standard ancient Greek
word meaning servant, waiting-man,
minister or messenger. To be martyr is to bear witness or testimony which
is the same word in Greek, a martyr (Greek: μάρτυς, mártys, witness; with the stem μάρτυρ-, mártyr-) as seen in Acts of the Apostles:
λήψεσθε δύναμιν ἐπελθόντος τοῦ ἁγίου Πνεύματος ἐφ’ ὑμᾶς, καὶ ἔσεσθέ μου μάρτυρες (et eritis mihi testes- And you shall be my
witness) ἔν τε Ἱερουσαλὴμ καὶ ἐν πάσῃ τῇ Ἰουδαίᾳ καὶ Σαμαρείᾳ καὶ ἕως ἐσχάτου
τῆς γῆς.
Acts.1:8. When we bear witness or testimony to the Truth- Christ the new born
baby we shall be hated by many, nevertheless let us be patient as to wait for
our Stephen, for the Bible said: Et eritis odio omnibus propter nomen meum (Mt.24:9);
qui autem perseveraverit usque in finem, hic salvus erit (Mt.24:13; Dn.12:12f) –
and you will be hated because of me; but whoever holds unto the end will be
saved Mt.10:22. Happy Christmas to
you all and a prosperous new 2013. God loves you.
C – CHRIST is truly
born among us as Emmanuel.
H – HOLY is He who
comes in the Name of the Lord.
R – ROYAL king is born
on a manger and is nature is regal.
I -IN the beginning was the Word and the Word is
S – SALVATION history
is intrinsic in the Et Verbum caro factum
est, et habitavit in nobis.
found in the mystery of the Incarnate Word.
M – MESSIANIC message
is full of yuletide.
A – ATHANATOS is the eternal nature of the
new born child.
S – SERVING others with
our life is the what the new child advocates for us all.
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Bishop Anthony EKEZIE ILONU: An Ideal Contemporary Priest BY REV FR PAUL
the words of St. Thomas Aquinas, priesthood of the Incarnate Son is: Proprie officium sacerdotis est esse
mediatorem inter Deum et populum, inquantum scilicet divina populo tradit…Et
ideo ipse Christus, inquantum homo, non solum fuit sacerdos, sed etiam hostia
perfecta, simul existens hostia pro peccato, et hostia pacifica, et holocaustum.[1] Cardinal Manning explaining the priesthood of
Incarnate Son, said: It is the office He
assumed for the redemption of the world by the oblation of Himself in the
vestment of our manhood. He is Altar, Victim, and Priest, by an eternal
consecration of Himself. This is the priesthood for ever after the order of
Melchisedech, who was without beginning of days or end of life – a type of the
eternal priesthood of the Son of God, the only King of Peace.[2]The
participation in the priesthood of Christ requires a share in the law of
self-oblation. The priest is the figura
Christi. Therefore, he is configuratus
morti ejus – configured to his death Phil. 3: 10. The priesthood of Christ
is the source of all divine worship – Totus
autem ritus Christianae religionis derivatur a sacerdotio Christi. A priest
stands in three relations, of which each binds him to interior spiritual
perfection. From the obligations of sanctity in the priesthood, arising from
the Sacred Heart, a priest is bound by
three relations, of which each one demands the perfection of purity, charity,
and humility. He is related, first, by manifold duties to his Divine Master;
secondly, to His sacramental Presence; and thirdly, to the members of His
mystical Body over whom he exercises a jurisdiction of life or of death.[3]From the
obligations of sanctity in the priesthood, I wish to ask: Could
there be any other thing so different and new to be said of Bishop Anthony
Ekezie Ilonu regarding the obligations as to show an ideal life in his
achievements, preaching, teachings and most importantly about his priestly life
and what he thinks about the priesthood and how priests may behave as to be
identified each time they are seen? It is in all these that one finds his spirituality and
ideal life as a priest. His family background
from Late
Matthias & Helena ILONU of Ndiogbuonyeoma Arondizuogu nurtured
his faith that he entered the junior seminary at a tender age at St. Peter
Claver Seminary Okpala-Owerri. With the missionary priests and some of the
indigenous priests particularly his relatives Fr Mark Unegbu (later Bishop Mark
Onwuha Unegbu) and Fr Edward Nwafor (later Msgr E Nwafor), and Fr Anthony Gogo
Nwedo Cssp (later Bishop Anthony G. Nwedo) which he came in contact with, his
desire and vocation to the priesthood grew very strong. At his burial, the
oration goes thus: Despite the
encouragement of indigenous priestly ordinations of the likes of then Rev. Fr.
Mark Unegbu and Rev. Fr. Edward Nwafor, it was an uncommon boldness for any boy
to dream of becoming a priest like the white missionaries. The young Anthony
was able to see the latter closely as they visited his parents’ home, overcame
his fear and began to aspire to be like them. So strong was his desire that
after his elementary school in St. Martina Aro Amuro and Standard VI in St.
Emmanuel Umuna, he went to St. Peter Claver Seminary Okpala in 1953 to become a
priest. There in the seminary he was known for his good looks, quiet
disposition, prayer life and sportsmanship. After a brilliant performance in
Okpala, Anthony graduated to St. Paul’s Seminary Enugu (now Bigard) for his
philosophical studies before proceeding to Rome for his theological studies at the
Pontifical Urban University Rome in 1961. There he was ordained a priest on 19th
December 1964 on Rome. After his ordination, he studied the Sacred Scriptures
more deeply and got the hard-to-get and difficult qualification and approval to
do his doctorate degree. Rev. Fr. Anthony Ilonu took some time out before his
doctoral defense to visit the United Kingdom where he obtained a bachelor’s
degree in History and a Diploma in Education and civil law. His peep into
architecture took him to Petersburg, Russia during the heat of the cold war
where he was incarcerated for some hours for having a TIME magazine. Rev. Fr.
Anthony Ilonu came home in 1971 to join the staff of Bigard Memorial Seminary
Enugu where he taught the biblical languages, Sacred Scriptures, among others.
He was outstanding as a lecturer and formator in his discipline, lecture
delivery and time consciousness. From Bigard he was lecturing also at the
University of Nigeria Nsukka alongside then Fr. Stephen Ezeanya and Rev. Edmund
Ilogu in the Department of Religion. It was from Bigard that he was elected the
first bishop of the new Catholic Diocese of Okigwe on January 27, 1981 and
consecrated and installed on the 29th of March 1981.[4]
From Ndiogbuonyeoma-Arondizuogu to a height so
about IDEAL, what comes to mind is reaching
an imaginary standard of excellence; fit for model. It is on this view that
our focus on the contemporary priest is discussed from different angles. St.
Thomas says that priests partake of the priesthood of our Divine Lord, and that
they are configured to Him. Therefore, the words involved are priesthood,
participation, and configuration. Going
for apparently impossible feats seems to have followed the young Ekezie,
baptized Anthony, from his mother’s womb. The family of Mazi Matthias Ilonu of
Ndiogbuonyeoma, Arondizuogu Okigwe was beginning to get worried after two
children that followed their first issue died one after the other. The fear was
not allayed when on November 13, 1935 a frail looking boy who refused to cry
immediately was born to them. But contrary to expectation, it was he who broke
the jinx and no sibling after him ever died again as a baby. His father planted
an iroko tree for him.[5]
This was indeed the beginning of greatness which came from birth of this ideal
entity of priesthood in the person of Anthony Ekezie Ilonu. His niece wrote to
me thus: Dear Fr. Paul, Thank you, first of all for accepting our invitation for our
day of prayer, thank you for sending those nice research of yours for our
spiritual up-bringing, moreover thanks a lot for your generous idea of sending
also a "a little life profile" of our Late beloved Bishop, our Son,
our Brother our In-law and Uncle to us "I" in particular. In fact my
brother, you could not imagine what you have done or doing about (Speaking the
TRUTH you know, about his life). You have cleared the shame, the pains, the
sorrows and the loss of our dear One through this act. Indeed his death is not the
first or only death of the family but what is heart-breaking is the second
horrible accusation which brought a dent in the name of a big, good and noble
family of my mother which my Grand-dad has cultivated from his youthful time. My Grandfather, being a generous
compassionate man, was a then Catechist whom had sheltered the white missionary
priests in his roof, there were no story of one who came to Mr. Mathias for
help without receiving it in abundance. Although not very rich a man but his
wife Mrs. Helena who was from Anambra State by birth, my Ground-Mum has turned
his husband's household into a Charitable Home - always cooking and giving to
people especially the strangers and "nobodies" of then days. Papa
Mathias, as I knew from the childhood was a councilor among his co-leagues and
some elders of his time which made him known as "wise man". He
settled many quarrels and unite most of the families which sometime put him
into trouble but he was a man of great Faith, hope and perseverance. This kind
heartedness has passed on to most of their children including the Bishop
himself. Going back on the two shocking and painful allegations, the first
which we are all known as building some "Towers of Babel" in his
father's compound is very funny and shocking to us the family members, and God
has saved us from that shame from letting the TRUTH out of bag as quick as
possible to clear the shame and pain from the family. The most funny and
painful thing to us the family members was that His lordship had not even think
of helping his family in a big way some of his colleagues do, in fact his
family embraced poverty since after his Episcopal Ordination till today, unlike
before. On the second accusation which we all have known through the net. The
exaggeration was too much that I thought to myself "this must be
conspiracy-against him but who are those behind the curtain?" "Whom,
or who are those that he wronged so badly that revenged him in this form"?
Honestly I know deep within me that this particular accusation will surely
bring him to an end but after then I had discussed with him about these issues
and what we discoursed has ever remained in my heart as a deep mark of Truth
which will never be razed from my heart! On the side of the conspirators, I am
asking if none of them has not wronged anyone at all, if they has not sinned in
any way since their life that they should stain their hands with unseen blood
of God's anointed-as themselves?. I have heard some truth about his calumny and
had heard that more TRUTH shall be out at GOD'S given time. Alas to those
criminals! because their judgment day shall over take them as thieves-in their
fathers vine yard!. Unless they have their time to repent and confess on earth
what they have done in secret in their life time. As for the family, even
though it is painful, we still give God thanks for the gift of this Bishop,
Son, Brother, In-law and Uncle to the entire families of ILONU and other
Families of In-laws, Friends and Well wishers. He died on the FEAST OF SACRED
HEART OF JESUS! A very remarkable feast in the Church! And God knows why
"He has run his race and fight his fight"-according to Saint Paul now
he has gone to answer Our LORD. Who among us will not wish to dye-falling on
that heart flowing with the immeasurable mercy of the LORD? In the Lord's vine
yard, we have many Priests, Religious, Monsignors, Mother Generals, Councils,
Cardinals, Pope etc who are called by the Lord but then who are those few that
will be chosen? "This is a big question to me and all of us". As for
you my brother Paul, you are already on the right track-keep on evangelizing on
the TRUTH of your time till the end. You may suffer because Truth is Bitter,
but the LORD is by your side and shall vindicate you and those of you who love
the TRUTH and follow HER way fearlessly shall find HER. My brother may God be
with you as you proclaim his Truth as Prophets Jeremiah, Ezekiel and others who
love God and God loves. Thank you and may God abide with you through your
earthly journey- Amen.[6]
was indeed also part of Bishop Anthony Ilonu’s life of which he distinguished himself through the practice of concrete
ideal priestly life. As a formator in Bigard, he single handedly defended many
vocations which could have been lost out of mere weakness or misunderstanding
because of lack of listening ears, nevertheless he continued as well when he
was ordained and installed the pioneer bishop of Okigwe diocese and later
emeritus until the day of his glorious passage into the eternal kingdom, having
received to the fullness the promise of Jesus Christ on the Solemnity of the
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus on Friday 15th June 2012. His sincere and
simple life was for many, a point of a reference and an imitation that led many
to their daily struggle of Christian life looking towards becoming saints. The
legacy he left shall not be forgotten even by generations yet unborn. Ad Mayorem Gloriam Dei.
As a priest-student in Rome his life was full of testimonies as declared
by very many who knew him. Indeed, a life worth living is that which is so
simple, natural, sincere, trust in God and charitable indeed. That was the life
of Bishop Anthony Ekezie ILONU. His life summarizes the ideal and contemporary
priestly life which he not only preached but lived concretely as a testimony to
all who knew him or heard him when he was teaching in Bigard Memorial Seminary
Enugu and as a Bishop too.
A call for imitation and following the Perfect and
Eternal High Priest:
ever becomes a saint from his mother’s womb, rather with the falling and rising
of our daily lives, one moves towards holiness and with all that goes with
formation in the seminary and the priestly life be it pastoral, academic or
formational. A priest becomes holy when he tries to live in imitation with
Christ’s call and how he appreciates the mystery of the priesthood. The Priesthood
is by its nature mysterious; it exists simultaneously with the mystery of the
Most Holy Eucharist,it is not something
ordinary rather it is a vocation that is sublime with divine character though
it functions in the human ambient. Hence, Fulton Sheen, in presenting the
priesthood saw the priest in line with Incarnated Word, as a Victim and with
Eucharistic nature. The three characters as he presented them were mysteriously
engraved and are inseparable. He wrote that, We cannot escape reproducing in our souls the mystery enacted on the
altar. Age quod agitis. As Our Lord
immolated Himself, so do we immolate ourselves. We offer our repose of body in
order that others may have peace; we are pure in order to recompense for the
excesses of the flesh committed by sinners.[7] The priesthood of Christ is manifested in our response
to His call to us, that is why We find a
symbolic representation of the union of the Priest and Victim in the very
position of the Cross, suspended between earth and heaven as if Jesus were
rejected by man and abandoned by the Father. Yet He united God and man in
Himself through obedience to the Father’s Will and through a love for man so
great that He would not abandon him in his sin. To His brethren He revealed the
heart of every son. Our Lord, therefore, is always priest and victim. No victim
was worthy of priesthood save Himself. Christ, moreover, was a victim not only
in His Body, but in His soul, which was sad unto death. No external or internal
sacrifice could be more united.[8]It is in this ambient that we try to see what the
Church said of the nature of the priesthood, that: The Lord Jesus, whom the
Father has sent into the world Jn 10:36 has made his whole Mystical Body a share
in the anointing of the Spirit with which he himself is anointed. In him all
the faithful are made a holy and royal priesthood; they offer spiritual
sacrifices to God through Jesus Christ, and they proclaim the perfections of
him who has called them out of darkness into his marvelous light. Therefore,
there is no member who does not have a part in the mission of the whole Body;
but each one ought to hallow Jesus in his heart, and in the spirit of prophecy
bear witness to Jesus.[9]From the Mystical Body which shares his sanctifying
Spirit, the priest becomes by nature an instrument in which God’s work is
fulfilled on earth and by this Fulton Sheen affirmed that, In relation to the world as the theater of redemption, the priest is
there to reconcile it to God. But as regards the spirit of the world, the
priest is crucified to the world and the world to him cfr. Gal .6:14. The
consecration is a death. The consecration is both priestly and victimal.
Priestly because we offer to the Father the Sacrifice of Christ in the Mystical
Body; victimal because we become a living sacrifice dedicated and fit for His
acceptance, the worship offered by mind and heart Rom. 12:1. The Vatican
Council makes a distinction between the royal priesthood of the laity and
hierarchical priesthood. In the former there is a spiritual sacrifice; in the
later, there is the Eucharistic sacrifice in which the spiritual sacrifice is
incorporated. In such, the Consecration is the moment when I have been
crucified with Christ. The life I now live is not my life, but the life which
Christ lives in me; and my present bodily life is lived by faith in the Son of
God Who loved me and gave Himself up for me Gal. 2:20.[10] Therefore it then suffices to observe that, only this ministerial priesthood gives one the right to offer the
Eucharistic sacrifice, forgives sins and publicly exercise the sacramental
priesthood for the benefit of others, because it is the result of the special
sacrament of Order, by which the Holy Spirit bestow on those who receive it a
particular character which likens them to Christ the Priest, and enables them
to act in the name of Christ, head of the Mystical Body.[11]The act of being likened to
Christ in the nature of a priest is a form of mysterious dimension in which we
see in the person of a priest, therefore to bear fruit in his priestly work he
has to cooperate with the divine by surrendering totally and unquestionably too
with a sacred character. The priest as we
know prolongs the mystery of Incarnation by his nature and what he does,
therefore this work is divine hence he ought to be virtuous as to increase in
holiness and that of others with his functions. Bishop Anthony Ekezie Ilonu was
an embodiment of the above assertions.The priest
by his sacramental ordination and the mystery of incarnation, is a
victim-sacrifice who shares in the spiritual begetting of the children of God
because he is a celibate for the Kingdom of God, though he may find it
difficult to control only by the grace of God. The totality of offering by the
priest portrays his mortified person in his victim nature as a gift, in view of
that, Our priesthood must be like the
pitchers that Gideon’s army of three hundred carried into battle. Inside each
was a lighted candle cfr. Judg. 7:18-20. The light was there, but it did not
shine forth to confound and defeat the enemy until the pitchers were broken.
Only when we are broken do we shed the light of Christ to defeat the forces of
Satan. It is not only the soul and the mind of the priest that are involved in
the exercise of his ministry; it is also his body, the body broken, mortified
and made a victim.[12]Being a
victim implies also being in friendship with God among his people and by that
Bishop Ilonu was a source of grace to the world and the blessings that God
bestowed on us who knew him. He was a simple and humble priest of God and was
actually a victim of sacrifice for and in the Church in this 21st
century, manifested in his life as a priest and Bishop, of which we are
witnesses to life.
Behold the conscientious servant:
priesthood is Eucharistic in nature and is an Incarnation Word as a
Priest-Victim which empties Himself and fills it up through the Sacrificial
offering. It is indeed holiness by itself and through it one becomes holy.
Therefore, an ideal contemporary priest ought to be a Eucharistic victim, this
is exactly seen in the life which Anthony Ekezie Ilonu lived and experience. The
Eucharistic life of a priest is incarnated in the identity with Christ and reveals
in the communion spirit of obedience as a character. By the possession of this
nature, a priest is a gift to the world. The perpetuation of Victim-Sacrifice
could be continuous if there are priests present, hence the training of
seminarian is a concern of the Church regarding the priesthood. Therefore in
view of that, formation is ever holistic and integral. The professors in the
seminaries ought to teach according to the mind of the Church with devotion and
sacrifice, living an exemplary lives that the seminarians may follow towards
growing in holiness and priestly spirituality.This was witnessed and testified by very many priests
who met Bishop Anthony Ilonu as a formator when they were seminarians and even
as priests. The life of testimony and witness preached and lived as a priest and Bishop
characterized in the life With Christ
(sacrifice), For Christ (obedience)
and In Christ (holiness of life) by
Emeritus Bishop Anthony Ekezie ILONU, found its root in the Gospel read on 11th
July, the Feast of St. Benedict of Norcia by the words and promise of Jesus
Christ: “Et omnis, qui reliquerit domum
vel fratres aut sorores aut patrem aut matrem aut uxorem aut filos aut agros
propter nomen meum, centuplum accpiet et vitam aeternam possidebit - And
everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or
fields for my sake, will receive a hundred times more and will be given eternal
life.” Matt.19:29. His life of detachment was very much evident in the total
sacrifice of all he possessed as well offered for the growth of the Church,
seen in his teachings, mystagogical preaching and life of charity which was
evident and concretely witnessed in his life time.
The testimony
and witness of an ideal priest-servant:
The magnet has the capacity and
potentiality of attracting other metals/objects to itself. This is consequent
to the presence of the metallic bond of the magnet. Christ said: “Et ego, si exaltatua fuero a terra, omnia
traham ad meipsum. - And
when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone (all people) to myself."
Jn.12:32. Christ is God and He draws everyone to Himself. Therefore, Anthony
Ekezie Ilonu as a priest, was an ALTER
CHRISTI, when he acts, he acted IN
PERSONA CHRISTI, which people ought to see in him IPSE CHRISTI, hence his motto was: NON NOBIS DOMINE NON NOBIS SED TUA DATUR NOMEN GLORIA. Ps.115:1. As
people saw IPSE CHRISTI in his words
and actions, Christ drew them to Himself, because every priest ought to beas the Holy Scripture said: “Omnis
namque pontifex ex hominibus adsumptus pro hominibus constituitur in iis quae
sunt ad Deum ut offerat dona et sacrificia pro peccatis; qui condolere possit
iis qui ignorant et errant quoniam et ipse circumdatus est infirmitate; et
propterea debet quemadmodum et pro populo ita etiam pro semetipso offerre pro
peccatis. Nec quisquam sumit sibi honorem sed qui vocatur a Deo tamquam Aaron. - For every high priest taken from among
men is ordained for men in things [pertaining] to God, that he may offer both
gifts and sacrifices for sins: Who can have compassion on the ignorant, and on
them that are out of the way; for that he himself also is compassed with
infirmity. And by reason hereof he ought, as for the people, so also for
himself, to offer for sins. And no man takes this honour unto himself, but he
that is called of God, as [was] Aaron.” Heb.5:1-4. The total sacrifice and
detachment from things of the world of this great saintly icon of un-bloody
martyr Bishop Anthony Ekezie ILONU, is very open when one visits his home town
NDIOGBUONYEOME-ARONDIZUGO in his parents’ (Late Matthias & Helena ILONU)
compound. Many who had the opportunity of visiting his parents’ compound comes
back glorifying GOD the more and tries to emulate what they saw and heard him
(with his immediate younger brother Msgr Luke Onyechukwu ILONU, pioneer and
founding Rector of St. Peter’s Seminary Okigwe) preached about priestly
spirituality on detachment according to the biblical injunction of
Matt.19:27-29. No wonder then their little human efforts were crowned with
greatness and successes concretely evident on innumerable number of people
(priests, religious men and women, seminarians and lay faithful) who were what
they are and where they found themselves because of the unconditional charity
and sacrifices this two brothers have put into the Church for the love they
have for Christ reflecting on the words of the Psalmist: What can I offer the Lord for His goodness to me? I will bring a wine
offer to the Lord, to thank Him for saving me. In the assembly of all His
people I will give Him what I have promised…I will give you a sacrifice of
thanksgiving and offer my prayer to You. In the assembly of all your people, in
the sanctuary of your Temple in Jerusalem, I will give You what I promised
Ps.116:12-14, 17-18. Bishop Anthony Ilonu really showed by example always.
Many a time the good things of people do not come up into line when they are
alive. Those who are good, their goodness reflects and shows only when they
die. He was so generous in heart and he never sat on material things or money.
He never took away the diocese’s money to build in his parents’ house. May his
death continue to be a paradigm for us who knew or have seen him alive. Again this life of total
sacrifice which he had as a sign of great love for his priests led him into
suffering many humiliations rather than to see his priests suffer rejections
from any place even beyond our continent Africa. In many occasions he skated
his head as to protect his priests, even at night as the biblical Nicodemus,
after which he invites them to reprimand them for he do not want any of them to
get lost as a shepherd, very many of his priests are living testimonies to this
unique character of sacrifice in the life of a Bishop so humble and lenient.
Bishop ILONU had a foresight and was a paradigm of a shepherd that he was
sending his priests Overseas for further studies, because of that the
authorities sat on him looking for a way to stop him from sending his priests
Overseas. Like the Eternal High Priest during His arrest at the Garden of
Gethsemane who said: “Iterum ergo
interrogavit eos: Quem quaeritis? Illi autem dixerunt: Iesum Nazarenum.
Respondit Iesus: Dixi vobis quia ego sum; si ergo me quaeritis, sinite hos
abire - Again
he asked them, "Who is it you want?" And they said, Jesus of
Nazareth. I told you that I am he," Jesus answered. "If you are
looking for me, then let these men go.” Jn.18:7-8. Applying this to the life of Bishop
ILONU, he did not hold tenaciously his position and office as a bishop rather
he saw his office as a sacrifice and victim hence, he gave his position and
whole life by saying “Take me and leave my priests alone”. He lived an
exemplary and simple life that he was always the first at the Cathedral site to
lead in the manual work and very much indeed uses his hands in doing everything
possible in the working arena. He never gets tired at work. The love of salus animarum led him into the
apostolate of creating schools and parishes-in-buildings into every nook and
cranny of the diocese. Today other dioceses has copied his original and pioneer
thought, Ad Mayorem Dei Gloriam. In correcting his priests
within the presbyterium, he believed very much on “adult faith” among those who
are already priest, hence on many occasions he said repeatedly that: “I will
not build another seminary specifically for training candidates who are already
priests because each priest ought to have an adult faith in Christ regarding
priestly life”, reflecting on the SIRACH 15:11-20.
taught and lived:
Preaching about the chastity of a priest he once said:
“a priest is OKARA MMUO OKARA MMADU [HALF SPIRIT HALF HUMAN] because of his celibate
chastity, he is and ought to be likened to that of the virginity of our Blessed
Virgin Mary, Mother of priests.” Preaching of the sublime and Divine power of
forgiveness many a time, Bishop Anthony Ekezie ILONU re-emphasized repeatedly
that: “The power of forgiveness is far
more greater than the power of creation” because the Holy Spirit is ever
anew in many souls renewing and awakening the dead conscience. He tries to
enliven his own spirit in trying to forgive those who wronged him and as well
try to bring them near to himself, that they may appreciate his act, yet very
many take this his lenience as weakness to harm or try to set trap for him.
Sometimes, being human he might make mistakes but because of his sincerity and
openheartedness, the grace of God saves him and he always ask for forgiveness
if he had any way offended someone. Speaking on his spirit of Oneness,
Catholicity, Apostolicity, and Holiness of the Church, his missionary spirit
led him to make OKIGWE DIOCESE a missionary diocese beginning from the diocesan
seminary. He encourages vocations to the priesthood and religious lives, hence
the admission of anybody from any place or diocese to join the diocesan
seminary for the formation to the Sacred Priesthood of Christ. Today, Okigwe Diocese
ranks among the highest with very many seminarians and priests in and as
diasporas within the diocese and beyond comparing with the number of
seminarians (junior and senior) and priests. He accepted and encouraged the
virgin birth of the women religious Missionary Daughters of Divine Presence
MDDP, with their Mother House, Generalate cum Novitiate Houses all found in the
diocese. In all these he accepts the challenges and works for fulfillment for
the greater glory of God, as he had as his motto: NON NOBIS DOMINE, NON NOBIS, SED TUA DATUR NOME GLORIA Ps.115:1. According to witnesses we have thus: Our dear
Bishop emeritus, we mourn you dearly and miss you so much for many reasons. You
supported the development of your priests and people. Providence arranged that
you be buried on the 11th of July; the exact day, thirty one years
ago (1981), you ordained the first Okigwe Diocesan priests of your episcopacy
in the persons of Late Rev. Fr. Godwin Nwachukwu (Umuozu Ugiri), Rev. Fr. Ngozi
Osuji (Ibeme Ugiri) and Late Fr Peter Osuchukwu (Amuzari Ugiri, for the
Catholic Diocese of Enugu ). You taught us in words and deed that freedom is
not license and yet no human action done without it has its proper value.
Seeing the things you accomplished; the fountain you designed, the tower you
projected, the arena you constructed, the buildings you erected or remodeled
will leave no truthful person in doubt that you had all it takes to bring your
dreams to reality; that you were no mere day dreamer and that all you hadn’t
enough of were understanding and time. You may not have attained perfection in
this valley of tears but you obviously were a good person. You connected easily
to your people where it mattered most and had a way of lightening every mood.
You never lost your humour till the last. You reacted to jokes even with your
eye brows when you had no more strength to talk.[13]As
a pastor, in his pastoral charity, he exercises his pastoral duty in the most
diligent and holy way that people experiences the presence of Christ in his
prophetic words of mystagogical homilies, sermons and preaching. Celebrating
the Eucharist, he uses his angelic voice chanting the Eucharistic Prayers,
indeed one experiences the aura of seraphic choirs. The zeal of his excellence
in pastoral charity made him to know and visit all his priests, even those of
Diaspora in their various home towns on different occasions. This is a man who
has no guile, and knows and call each by name. He knew where each of his priest
is posted off by heart. An incident happened, hence I confirm it because I am
involved. My immediate younger brother Mr RaphaelMary Mmaduka OGUJIOFFOR, a
Mass server, met him at Holy Ghost Cathedral Enugu in the Sacristy after the
Holy Mass when there was a meeting of the Bishops. He greeted him and
introduced himself as a brother to Fr Paul OGUJIOFFOR, the Bishop immediately
said to him, “he is a teacher and formator in St. Peter’s Seminary Okigwe, he
is from Aku”. This was narrated to me by my brother later, because he said he
was surprise by the bishop’s response to him. His life was full of pastoral
activities even when he was retired. He was an embodiment of gifts given freely
by God. One hardly distinguishes what exactly is his area of specialization,
because any time and any place he was called to say something on any field of
life or profession he gives a mastery exposition of that even if called in
urgency. In his blessing of articles or objects, his prayer is always a form of
biblical panoramic and historical origin and reason for that particular thing
in life and the worship of God through that. He was a great devotee of Our
Blessed Virgin Mother. Our Lord Jesus made promise to
us, who were faithful to Him, these were bestowed to our beloved Bishop even
unto death, as Christ called him on the exact day of the celebration of the
Solemnity of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus which was on Friday 15th
June 2012.
let us see the ideal incarnate life, significance and totality of exemplary
life in the name Bishop ANTHONY EKEZIE ILONU:
B – BEST in
all he did from his childhood to the adult life.
always and people continued to misunderstood him.
totally his life as to make very many happy.
was always his concern as he pastor the flock under his charge.
was what he practiced whenever it comes for the good of the Church.
was his anchor throughout his priestly life.
of any condition and situation that he meets in life.
N – NONE of
his contemporaries wished that he rises above them, hence their naïve attitude
to him.
in God was what carried him along throughout his priestly life in all
has always been what he was known for right from time immemorial. OR
H –
HAPPINESS in all the time whenever he is celebrating the Most Holy Mystery of
our Faith.
seen in the Chapel meditating if he was not teaching in class while in Bigard
as a formator. OR
in expressing whatever he teaches as to be comprehended by all.
annoyed anybody voluntarily during his course of service as diocesan Bishop. OR
has been what he was known for throughout his time.
was in all he did for his apostolate for the salvation of many.
was really what he taught and preached in his life time. OR
E –
ESCHATOLOGICAL references was the center of the Bishop’s teachings in his days.
was what he embraced with joy in life as to inherit heaven. OR
of the Word of God was what he preached, through his ingenuity.
always his sincere love to anybody who comes to him irrespective of identity. OR
very many in all his encounter with people, be it pastoral or casual.
Z – ZEALOUSNESS was all he put on in his priestly and
Episcopal life to win souls for Christ.
on forgiving all that offended him, spoke ill or even calumniated him. OR
his patron saint Anthony in his ascetic life throughout his priestly life.
E –
ENCYCLOPEDIC was his nature throughout his teaching and preaching life. OR
his life for the good of the diocese, yet very many did not appreciate that.
the Eternal High Priest in his own little way as a human being.
all his priests and seminarians, religious men and women and the laity.
O – OFTEN preoccupied
with the good and happiness of others.
can say he annoyed him or her consciously or deliberately.
has been all he preached and lived within his life time.
[4]Cfr. A
[6]SR ANNETTE NWIZU DDL, niece to late Bishop ANTHONY
ILONU, wrote to me on Monday 06/11/2012 after preaching a Recollection on
Sunday 05/11/2012 for their Community in Rome.
[7] SHEEN F. J.,
The Priest Is Not His Own, p. 18.
[13]Cfr. A